Download the FREE MYT Ableton Live Mid / Side Processors

ableton live free downloads music production Mar 18, 2019

 What, more free stuff?

Well, yes actually! We're an especially giving kind here at MYT, so as part of our 4 week journey into the Mixdown Process as part of the launch of the new Mixdown Mastery Online Course, Week 2 took a turn into the murky world of M/S Processing

In the video above we demystify and define what M/S Processing actually is, and it can be of benefit to your Mixdowns.

M/S Processing can be an extremely useful way to ensure mono compatibility of your tracks, as well as manage stereo width, and bring various parts of your tracks to life, whilst losing new perceived stereo width or detail

Added to this, we introduce to you not one but TWO M/S Racks Paul himself built, which he developed as part of the Mixdown Mastery Course.

First up is a souped up M/S EQ, complete with Mono Maker and M/S Levelling. Whilst the native EQ Eight in Ableton Live 10 can indeed do M/S EQ within a single instance, Paul has always found that workflow a little annoying and somewhat confusing from a visual standpoint. 

Paul's solution to this issue was to split the M/S signals into separate EQ's, which, as you will see from the video explaining ow the Racks work, provides a lot more flexibility and ease of use and processing.

Finally, there's the M/S Compressor, which is an extremely effective and efficient way to make dynamic range in the M/S Matrix, in the form of discrete Glue Compressors working on the Mono & Stereo parts of the signal independently. this gives amazing control and versatility and can really bring synth parts to life whilst not sacrificing that all important mono compatibility for club and festival play.

All in all, both of these Racks have been extremely popular so far and have been downloaded many times already since their launch on Friday

You can download the M/S Racks here!

Whilst you're looking at our wonderful YouTube walkthrough of these Racks, you could also Like, Comment & Subscribe to the MYT Youtube Channel, where there's new tutorials every Friday, and a lot more besides!

Happy Mixing! <3


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