Download the FREE MYT Drum Rack!

ableton live free downloads music production Mar 18, 2019


Our legendary MYT Drum Rack is back to help take your Drum Sequencing in Ableton Live 9 and 10 to the next level!

This has become a mainstay of Paul's production workflow in recent years and has been downloaded by hundreds of people already! 

It serves as a great sounding Drum Rack in it's own right, and also can be used as a template to host your own Drum Sounds!

All the sounds are pre-processed with EQ, Filter, Delay, Reverb, and it even has it's own Send & Return System! this makes the Drum Rack pretty much a modular unit on it's own, and can be dragged and dropped into any production

It even comes with some pre-programmed MIDI Grooves that mean all you have to do is drag, drop and hit play!

You can download the Ableton Live Drum Racks by clicking here, and you'll be emailed a download link!

The video above is a demonstration of how the Drum Rack works and sounds, taken from the MYT YouTube channel, which you really do need in your life!

Like and Comment on the video and don't forget to Subscribe to the channel while you're at it!

Happy DrumRacking! <3


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