How To Win at Social Media And Still Have Time To Make Music
Feb 10, 2019This is something that I teach all my clients, no matter what level they’re at and it’s probably one of the most important concepts to understand if you want to win at social media.
No amount of marketing will ever grow your social media following quicker than a hit record will.
I’ll leave that there to percolate for a minute.
That’s why the goal is not for you to become a marketing guru, it’s to arm you with the same knowledge as the big guys and show you how to execute it in the most efficient way possible. That way you still have time to write that Beatport number one.
In order to do this, you need to think about documenting rather than creating. What I mean by this is creating social media content through documenting the tasks that will bring you closer to your goal of being a DJ, producer or record label.
Let’s say you’ve been booked to play a gig and the promoter is keen for you to push it on your socials. Rather than posting the event flyer across every social channel you have, every day, for six weeks, here’s what you could do.
Record a promo mix to upload to Soundcloud that uses the event artwork and has the details in the track description, with a ticket link.
N.B. The above works best if you already have a decent following on your SoundCloud, or the promoters have asked specifically for a mix. For the full explanation read: Why You Should Focus on Tracks and Not Mixes.
When you go record shopping to purchase some new tracks for the promo mix, you could capture a Boomerang of you flicking through records and post it to your Instagram Story.
At home, when deciding a possible track list, you could take a photo for Instagram of the record sleeves all laid out. Better still get someone to take a shot of you going through your records. In the caption you can then reference the promo mix and the upcoming event.
Can’t decide between two tracks? Poll your fans on Facebook or Instagram to get their opinion.
Whilst recording the mix you could stream some, or all of it, as a Facebook or Instagram Live. This recording can then be downloaded and chopped up into shorter clips or also uploaded to your YouTube channel.
On the day of the gig, having a mate come along as a stand in Tour Manager, armed with a smartphone is absolutely invaluable. A Go Pro and a Gorilla Pod to setup behind the decks and record your set is also a worthwhile addition as it’ll free you up to do your thing whilst giving you content for the next few weeks.
Remember, this is just one example of how you can create content by documenting your day.
You just need to think about what type of content will be right for the channel you’re posting on. Remember this and you won’t go far wrong.
The other great thing about this method is that it doesn’t require you to already be a star or the finished article. There’s something incredibly engaging about watching someone’s journey as they try and make it. You only have to look at the glut of reality TV shows for proof of this.
So, remember to focus on your goal and simply document your journey getting there. Choose the right content for each platform and use the captions to link it back to what you’re trying to promote.
We’d love to hear from you, especially if you’ve tried this technique out and have some feedback on how you’ve gotten.
Hit us up in the comments below and we’ll reply to everyone.
Too many talented DJs & Producers can't get signed to the record labels they need to be to break through.
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