MYT Announces Strategic Investment from Jeff Keenan to Drive Expansion

Oct 15, 2024

Liverpool, UK – 15/10/2024 – MYT (Make Your Transition), a leading artist development platform in electronic music, is pleased to announce an investment from Jeff Keenan, a veteran tech entrepreneur and electronic music producer. This partnership will support MYT’s growth plans, including expanding into the sample pack and preset market, artist management, and launching a DJ agency. The investment will also help co-founder Paul James Nolan further his artistic projects.


Jeff Keenan, who has been involved in the electronic music scene for nearly 30 years, is also known for co-founding LeadsRx, an analytics platform that disrupted the radio industry. Reflecting on the partnership, Keenan said, “I’ve been in the industry since 1996, releasing over 100 EPs worldwide and meeting lifelong friends along the way. I’m excited to return to the music business and couldn’t ask for a better partner than Paul James Nolan, who has worked with icons like Sasha, John Digweed, and Thievery Corporation. His impact as a coach on emerging artists is significant, notably with Massano, who recently announced an NYE show at the Las Vegas Sphere.”


Paul James Nolan shared his excitement: "Working with Jeff, who has a remarkable track record in tech and business, will allow us to grow MYT and support creatives in the electronic music industry. This investment is already accelerating our growth, making MYT one of the most unique artist development platforms available.”


The funding will enable MYT to preserve its strong community-driven culture while expanding services. Plans include offering more tools to help artists progress at every career stage, from producing their first track to reaching main stages.


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**About MYT (Make Your Transition)** 

MYT provides artist development and education for electronic music creators, offering masterclasses and a supportive community to help artists thrive.


**Media Contact** 

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Too many talented DJs & Producers can't get signed to the record labels they need to be to break through.

MYT uses in-depth Track Feedback, Live Masterclasses, Personal Coaching and Courses, to support our Community to become full time Electronic Music Artists


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