MYT: Beyond The Studio 001 - Bushwacka!

🎧 MYT: Beyond The Studio 001 - Bushwacka! Available now!

mindset news podcast Jan 11, 2021

Matthew 'Bushwacka' Benjamin has done it all in a career that has spanned over 3 decades.

From the earliest days of Acid House, through to the era of breakbeat, his incredible partnership with Layo Paskin and their legendary residency at one of London's most missed venues, The End, to genre defining labels such as Oblong, Olmeto and Plank, and even mainstream chart hits, thanks to tracks such as 'Love Story' - it's been a career to end them all...and that's before you get to the wilder, more challenging side of a life so well lived and immersed in electronic dance music culture.

It's a journey that has led him through some challenging times, but out of those challenges emerged a new path. A fascinating shift in gears has seen Matthew recently qualify as a psychotherapist, and is now launching a mental health and wellbeing platform, Listen Up Therapy, alongside his partner Belinda.

In this, the very first episode of MYT - Beyond The Studio, Matthew and Belinda sit down with MYT Founder Paul Nolan to talk about this new and emerging path, the challenges that a life in electronic music presents from a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual perspective, and what they hope to achieve through Listen Up

You can find out more information about ListenUp Therapy here -

You can follow Bushwacka on Instagram here -

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