🎧 MYT: Beyond The Studio 005 - Rory Palmer - Rowe teaches you how to Market Your Music in 2021
Feb 08, 2021Rory Palmer - Rowe is our resident Music Marketing expert, and we thought it was high time to bring him back to MYT for a special live stream, where we answer MYT AAA Member's questions, and talk about the realities, strategies and workflows of marketing your music in these really rather crazy times we all living through.
How to do social media without it becoming overwhelming or a full time job
How to balance music marketing with living a creative life.
Strategies for growth of all the major social platforms in 2021
How music really is the driving force behind it all - don't put the cart before the horse...
Too many talented DJs & Producers can't get signed to the record labels they need to be to break through.
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