Flow within the framework

๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ MYT Monday #004 - Flow Within The Framework

mindset self improvement Oct 26, 2020

Discipline. It's quite a potent, triggering kind of word.

I know it is for me.

If there's one thing I'm at least as good at as making music, it's procrastination (I'd tell you how I got so good at it, but I can't be bothered...ask me tomorrow!)

The word discipline conjures up all kinds of unhelpful feelings and images; from overly strict school teachers taking the fun out of everything, to that feeling of rebellion we all had when we were kids, refusing to brush our teeth, even though we know it's the right thing to do.

Those negative associations stay with us into adult life, and they can manifest as an unconscious choice to not apply ourselves, as we desire freedom from our mundane existence above everything.

We have such a weird relationship with discipline; we'll avoid doing what we love, in order to feel like we've "won" because we've 'beaten the system'.

It doesn't get us's a subtle form of self sabotage, that invisibly undermines us, and fritters away our full potential.

In trying to help others overcome a perceived lack of discipline, most people - including some of the most respected 'self help gurus' out there - get it all wrong.

You'll hear advice like "You must discipline yourself if you want to achieve your goals", or "Push yourself harder than anyone else"...

It's terrible advice, not to mention stressful, unsustainable, and sucks all the fun, enjoyment and creativity out of life.

It's so redundant. It's easy to say, not easy to do, and is a one way ticket to burnout and making you hate what you love to do.

So, what is the best way to bring discipline into our lives, so we can move in the direction of our goals, without feeling resentment, stress or frustration?

Well, there's two ways...

1. Create a framework: a robust, yet balanced, flexible schedule, that is realistic and doesn't exhaust you:

- Spend a little time this week with your journal, diary or digital calendar.

- Go to a blank week, and create a well balanced, repeatable schedule, that factors in rest, family time, exercise and some unstructured, completely free personal time, as well as work and your creative / music / studio sessions.

- Really check in, and ensure your framework is something you can execute every week for an extended period of time, without getting tired, bored or burnt out.

- Make sure the framework is flexible, so it can handle sudden changes in priority, focus and life situations, and allows you to flow within the framework.

- Think of the 80/20 rule - 80% of your results come from only 20% of your create a framework where that 20% happens consistently, and effortlessly.

2. Make doing what you love (making music, composing, sound design, producing) a conscious choice, rather than an obligation:

This requires a mindset shift. 

Discipline can feel like denial - of freedom, of choice, of what we desire.

The irony is, as Jocko Willink says, "discipline = freedom" - it's the vehicle that helps us to create the outcomes we want in life.

Make doing what you love a wholehearted, conscious choice, rather than another item you resentfully put on your 'to do list', like you're working some job you hate.

These two things will help transform your relationship to discipline, your art, and possibly, your entire life...

To your increasing Creative Flow,


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