MYT Monday #005 - Big Things Start Small
Nov 02, 2020First, the bad news: there are no shortcuts
Now, the good news: there are no shortcuts
Seems like yet more obvious, redundant advice, but I assure you it's not.
We live in a world where we're sold many lies - that this product is the piece you've been missing, that this one trick will guarantee success...that all you have to do is think about it really really hard and cheques will magically fall through your letterbox.
We are beset on all sides by con artists, charlatans and seductive advertising, all encouraging us to believe the biggest lie of all...that's there's a shortcut.
I believed this myself, unconsciously, for a number of years.
I was always looking for the quick fix, that one plugin that will change everything, that one sample pack that would make my tracks 'release standard'...I could go on.
I was obsessed with short circuiting, hacking and circumventing the process of becoming the artist I wanted to be.
Not only did this approach sabotage my progress, it left me incomplete, with giant holes in my knowledge base.
I could've invested all the energy I'd wasted looking for the 'get rich quick' solution to properly address those gaps...
My process was essentially to put the cart before the horse.
Don't get me wrong, I learnt a lot in the process of looking for those non existent shortcuts, but it's taken me a long, long time to realise I was applying my knowledge and skills in all the wrong ways.
I was trying to skip steps.
Jeff Bezos' entire worldview is summed up in two Latin words he has used for years as a personal reminder...almost like a mantra..."Gradatim Ferociter" means "Step By Step, Ferociously"
As Bezos says himself: "Basically, you can't skip steps, you have to put one foot in front of the other, things take time, there are no shortcuts, but you want to do those steps with passion and ferocity."
The truth of creating anything (including our selves) is far more simple, mundane and blindingly obvious than we'd like to admit, or have been led to believe....and yet it's completely liberating
You can't skip steps. But you can consciously, willingly, wholeheartedly take those steps, knowing that eventually, you'll get far further.
This week, I invite you to get really honest with yourself, and ask the following questions:
- Where are you trying to skip steps in the studio?
- Where are you looking for the quick fixes and shortcuts?
- Why?
The answers might surprise you...and may lead to a shift in how you apply yourself and learn...
To your increasing Creative Flow,
Paul <3
Too many talented DJs & Producers can't get signed to the record labels they need to be to break through.
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