Rejection Does Not Exist

MYT Monday #006 - Rejection Does Not Exist

mindset self improvement Nov 09, 2020

We seem to just accept that rejection is an inevitable part of life, don't we?

We dedicate a lot of time to dealing with it, "coping" with it (I hate that word so much!), and if we're really honest with ourselves, avoiding it

I was one of those people who spent vast amount of his life trying to avoid rejection - with my art, my work, my personal life, my relationships...and you know where it got me?

Nowhere. In fact, all the time and energy I put into avoid rejection only held me back even more, as essentially, it only seemed to guarantee more rejection

I ended up living my life in total fear - that everything I did would end up being shunned by the industry I worked in, and the people I love the most in life.

That, my friend, is no way to live.

A couple of years ago, I experienced something profound that taught me a great deal about the reality of rejection and what it really is.

I was asked to remix a track for a well respected label. I was honoured to have been asked, and set about the task with great excitement.

To cut a long story short, the label "rejected" not one, but two of my submissions, and I was told bluntly that they were moving on without me.

I was absolutely gutted...and yes, that feeling of rejection passed over me...

Only, the problem was, I really wanted this music to be heard, as I knew deep down it was good and would have an impact.

So I did something radical - I replaced the remix parts with my own completely original sounds, tweaked some other aspects to my own tastes, and converted a "rejected" remix into an entirely original production...

which ended up being one of the most successful tracks I've ever released.

Through this experience, I learnt something profound - that rejection does not exist, and what we think is rejection is actually REDIRECTION.

When you don't hear back from that label, don't get the answer you'd hoped, or don't land that opportunity you set your heart on, you are not being are being redirected to where you are really meant to be.

It can feel like a curse at the time, but it's actually a blessing - it's telling you where not to be.

You, and your music, are not being rejected - the other party is merely accepting something else...there's a big difference.

This week, ask yourself if you're living in fear of rejection.

If you don't receive the result you want, can you flow with it, and allow yourself to be shown where you're really meant to be? 

If you can, you'll begin to follow your own unique path to success...wherever that might lead...

To your increasing Creative Flow,

Paul <3


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