When The Going Gets Weird, The Weird Turn Pro

MYT Monday #007 - When The Going Gets Weird

mindset self improvement Nov 16, 2020

You might have heard or read the famous Hunter S Thompson quote I've used to title this post.

It feels particularly apt right now, as we in the UK move into our second lockdown, and the weirdness of the times seems to only be increasing.

What is the meaning of "When the going gets weird, the weird Turn Pro?"

I've just finished Steven Pressfield's Turning Pro, his follow up to The War Of Art - a book that totally changed my life.

In both of these books, Pressfield sorts artists (yes, even you) into two categories....

Amateurs, and Professionals.

The difference isn't what you think (money has nothing to do with it). When I truly understood the difference, it completely revolutionised my way of thinking, creating, and living.

In short, an Amateur artist:

  • is Terrified
  • is Ruled by their Ego
  • lives by the opinions of others & seeks their permission
  • allows Fear to paralyse them
  • is easily distracted
  • seeks instant gratification
  • is Jealous
  • Gives their Power Away to Others

Any of this sounding painfully familiar? I know it did for me.

I had to admit that I was an amateur, in many ways that I didn't even see.

The antidote to being an Amateur, is to Turn Pro.

What makes you a Professional?

  • You show up to work on your art, every day, without question
  • You are in it for the long haul
  • You dedicate yourself to mastering technique
  • You act in the face of fear
  • You do not give your power away to others
  • You will not be distracted
  • You validate yourself, and need permission from nobody else to create
  • You ask for help when you need it

As the man himself says "many of the modern maladies we face (such as self doubt, depression etc) are merely the difference between being an Amateur, and being a Pro"

Honestly, reading these books are like a taking a full body shot from Mike Tyson. It isn't pretty, because they force you to be profoundly honest with yourself and your creative process.

This week, ask yourself - Am I an Amateur or a Pro?

It couldn't be more important for you and I to Turn Pro now, as the going has gotten so weird.

The world needs our Art more than ever, because that's all there really is.

Are you ready?

To your increasing Creative Flow,

Paul <3


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