✅ MYT Monday #015 - How to find Flow
Hey Tony,
That feeling of effortlessness.
The ease of creativity, which you're channelling without thinking...
Writing music that sounds incredible in a fraction of the time it normally takes you...
The lack of frustration, blockage, distraction or obstacle...
Doing your best work in the blink of an eye...
Sounds too good to be true right? Be we've all felt it. That sensation of incredible lightness, productivity, inspiration and expression.
It's called many things - 'the zone', 'a groove', 'a wave of inspiration'...the mythically titled 'flow state', and the main problem is it's all too fleeting, and a difficult state to replicate, happening seemingly at random.
What would you do if you could get in the zone more often?
It's estimated that we experience up to a 500% increase in productivity when we are 'in flow'. That's an insane uptick in potential performance. Who wouldn't want to do be able to do that on an almost daily basis?
Especially when it comes to our artistic expression...we'd be able to create incredible amounts of music, to a higher standard, over a shorter period of time...who wouldn't want that?
The good news is, the science of 'the flow state' is starting to really build up, and there's real world, practical steps that we can follow that act as 'flow triggers' to help us find that elusive state more consistently
Flow Triggers include...
- The right amount of challenge: so, not too easy, as you'll lose interest, and not too hard, as you'll get frustrated and quit...just the right amount of difficulty in the immediate task engages us on a profoundly deep level.
- It has to be at the limit of our abilities: if we aren't stretched a little out of our comfort zone, then there's no incentive, as that's where we really learn, and therefore grow.
- It has to give immediate feedback: which means we know almost instantly if we are succeeding at what we're trying to do, or not!
These are just the basic starting points, and the depth of knowledge on a neurological, biological and chemical level that we are starting to build up about the flow state, how it works, and why it's happening, is providing a whole new fertile ground for us artists to tap into.
One of the foremost experts in the field of peak experiences and peak performance is Stephen Kotler, who has written best selling books on the subject for many years, including The Rise of Superman, Stealing Fire (with Flow Genome Project founder Jamie Wheal), and his new book, The Art of Impossible, is set to bring new revelations to all of us, no matter if we're into music, production, DJing, performing, extreme sports...anything that helps us to find that elusive altered state of consciousness.
MYT is also delving deep into this field, and curating the cutting edge of biology, chemistry and neuroscience, and adapting it to music production on a weekly basis, with our brand new intensive training programme, The Flow System; this will not only revolutionise your production and workflow, it'll help you to become the very best artists you can be, and the best version of yourself, by teaching you to mindfully tap into your natural ability to be in the flow state, consistently, leading to an incredibly joyful, deeply satisfying, and not to mention productive life in the studio.
The Flow System is available to all MYT AAA Members, and we've already completed week 1, so you're not too late to join us, as we're adding new content every week, and holding live calls every Wednesday evening at 7pm UK Time.
Head to http://www.transition.studio/myt-aaa-trial
This Week...
I challenge you to think about the three Flow Triggers listed above, and consider how you can shift your creative practice in the studio to pull more of these triggers, more often...let me know what insights you have by replying to this email!
To your increasing Creative Flow -
Big Love,
Paul <3
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