✅  MYT Monday #017 - The 5 Why's

✅ MYT Monday #017 - The 5 Why's

mindset Feb 08, 2021


A quick one from me this week (promise!)

We all have obstacles we have to navigate in life...they can be internal ('am I good enough?'), external ('I don't have the time'), or philosophical (a fundamental injustice in the universe).

In order to truly overcome them, we have to get to the root - the origin point. This isn't easy, or comfortable, and we have an amazing way of avoiding it, whilst convincing ourselves we're on track.

The most powerful question we can ask is 'why?' - that's the reason it's so annoying when a 4 year old asks it over and over and over again!

Why? asks the meaning of things. Why? wants to get to the centre of it all; it reveals purpose, reality and truth...which is often why it's the hardest question to ask of ourselves, never mind answer.

If you want to get to the crux of any obstacle you face, then just ask yourself 'Why?' 5 times, and with each answer you'll get deeper into the core of it all.

This Week...

Choose an obstacle you currently face in your life - might be self doubt, it might be your work schedule, it might be that it seems the world is set up against you.

Ask yourself 'why?' and answer as honestly as possible. Write it down.

Then, respond to the answer with 'why?' and go a level deeper. Write that answer down too.

Keep going until you've written down 5 answers to the 'why?' question, and then see where you are. You'll find you're probably closer to the truth than you might expect...

To your increasing Creative Flow -

Big Love,

Paul <3


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