Wabi Sabi

MYT Monday - Perfection doesn't exist

Sep 20, 2022

If there's one thing that I see more than anything else that cripples an Artist, it's Perfectionism.

We are sold a lie in society, that' perfectionism is a good thing, and the greatest amongst us have this unrelenting need to 'strive for perfect' (these three words almost make me feel unwell these days!)

As if this was the only way to succeed.

In fact, perfectionism is a one way ticket to failure, unhappiness, a lack of fulfilment, and can also bleed into other areas of your life and relationships, as I can tell you from personal experience.

Perfectionism is...

  • Insecurity, as you are never sure your work is ever good enough, so you keep going past the sweet spot
  • Procrastination, as you continually put off exposing your Art to the world, as it's 'not quite finished'
  • Self Sabotage, as the energy required to continually hold your Self and your Art back is easily equal to creating the Art itself
  • Unhealthy, as you consistently move the goal posts on yourself, and set ever more unhelpful Expectations on everything you do
  • Unrealistic, for reasons we'll get into below
  • Impossible, because...

"Perfection cannot exist in an imperfect world" - Oprah Winfrey

This week, if you're giving yourself a hard time about a track, overfly fussing over certain elements, or feel you're 'not good enough' for some reason, realise that you're in a state of striving, take a step back, relax, and let go of it all.

Eventually, you will return to Flow.

Much Love


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