Marketing Tip: Always Put Links In The Comments
Jan 20, 2019This Facebook marketing tip has been around for a while but people continue to ignore it and in doing so severely limit the reach and engagement of their posts.
Let's start by looking at the facts. In 2018 the top-performing Facebook post format was unsurprisingly Video. This was followed by Question Posts, Photos, Giveaways and Links.
That information alone should justify why you shouldn't be posting links but let's delve a little deeper into why this is the case.
I think there are two key reasons why link posts do so badly. The first is that Facebook make their money through advertising. In order to serve you adverts you need to be on Facebook. If you navigate away from Facebook by clicking on a link, you're faced with a whole world of distraction and may not return. This is in direct odds to Facebook's business model so they will do anything in their power to keep you from straying.
This theory is re enforced by Instant articles, Facebook & Instagram shopping and a whole host of other features that allow you to view external content whilst keeping you on the platform.
The second reason for links underperforming has more to do with psychology. If you're posting a link, the chances are you're asking your viewers to stop what they're doing and do something for you; Buy my track, listen to my mix etc etc...
If you haven't built up trust by giving value freely beforehand then people are just going to ignore you. Your post comes across as salesy and pushy and people switch off.
This is where posting the link in the comments comes in. Let's say you want to post about your latest release on Beatport. Ideally, you will have a video of your track being played in a club and the crowd going nuts. When writing your post, resist the urge to come across salesy.
Here's an example of Defected Records using this exact method to promoting a forthcoming release from Low Steppa.
Now if you're posting straight away, you can post and then comment immediately with your call to action "Buy now", "Listen here" and include your link.
But if you're scheduling your posts you'll need to be a bit clever. If you go to your scheduled posts and click on the post two times, you'll be taken to view where you can actually comment on the post before it is published.
As before, include your call to action and your link. Once the post goes live, your comment will be published and will stay at the top as the first comment.
I hope this helps and as always please let us know how you get on using this tip?
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