Why New Year's Resolutions SUCK

self improvement Jan 06, 2020

Let's face it, New Year's Resolutions don't work.

All they do is pile pressure on you, create unrealistic expectations of change, and ultimately, they make you feel worse about your current situation, as you've not created the change you've been striving for.

All this, and you subject yourself to it in JANUARY! Almost every year!

The truth is, when you make these 'new year, new me' type commitments, you actually set yourself up for failure.

This is for 2 reasons:

1. You've not set your goals in a realistic fashion - you've overestimated your time, available resources, and likely not taken into account your current situation in terms of environmental factors, living situation, work - life balance, and a number of other variables. 

In short, you've not been fair on yourself - you've expected too munch change, too quickly.

2. You've not created a system to help achieve the goals you have set - the systems you set up in your life - that is, your daily routines, rituals and habits that we use to get things done - are not set up in way to moves you closer to your desired outcomes.

When you create a system that feeds effortlessly into your desired results (aka 'goals'), it can be surprising how effortlessly these results can be achieved - it's almost like everything is on autopilot, and most importantly, you enjoy the process of achieving your goals.

Fear not if this seems daunting to you, as in the other blog posts I'm writing this week, you'll learn how to set these better, more achievable goals, and still more, create a system that makes these goals not only realistic, but fun to make happen too!

The rest of this week is going to be a blast!

Stay tuned for more tomorrow...

Paul x


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