The Flow System by MYT

✅ MYT Monday #012 - What Is Flow?

masterclasses mindset news self improvement Dec 14, 2020


We've all experienced that state - of effortless, almost automatic creativity, connectedness and joy, whilst in the act of performing, or creating art.

Some refer to it as being in 'the zone', others call it 'being dialled in'...and more commonly these days, as the aspirational 'Flow State'.

We all crave that feeling once we've had it. There's something undeniably intoxicating about it, and you want to be in that state again and again, as our productivity, problem solving and presence all sky rocket when we hit that sweet spot.

I have certainly felt this way. One of my highest peak experiences of Flow was playing the old Sankey's in Manchester way back in 2004. I had what almost felt like an out of body experience - it felt like I was witnessing myself the act of expression in the moment from outside my self. It's probably still the single best set of my DJ career...and I don't really remember the set that I played!

But why is it all so fleeting? Why is it that we cannot guarantee when that state will occur within us, or indeed, if it will when we need it the most?

What the hell is going on when we're in that state anyway?

The science behind Flow is still relatively new and emergent. However, there are exciting developments in the field of cognitive neuroscience, neurochemistry and more new realms of science and research, thanks to authors such as Steven Kotler, Jamie Wheal and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi that are allowing us to understand the concept of Flow, what it is, and how we can hack it on a regular, almost predictable basis.

This might seem impossible, but it's true - we can develop the ability to summon the Flow state on a more regular basis, and be able to stay in there for extended periods of time.

This state coincides with peak performance, and peak creativity - it's what gives the very best artists in the world their unique edge over their peers...and we're going to explore the flow state in depth at MYT, within our brand new programme, The Flow System.

From early January 2021, our weekly classes, live streams, group live streams, discussions and assignments will teach you how to access this Flow State more regularly, by integrating a framework, within which to build your creative practice as an artist.

This is not just another workflow course, full of keyboard shortcuts and cheat sheets.

This is far deeperprofound and transformative.

It's a journey into your soul as an artist, and an entire approach to your approach to artistic expression...less a course, more of a paradigm shift in lifestylewisdom and understanding, which also has surprising ramifications for the rest of your life, as it turns out, the principles of The Flow System can work in almost any context of human experience.

Just think of the quality of music, art and life in general you could cultivate, if you learned how to profoundly shift your consciousness, and lean into peak performance in same way as the very best extreme athletes, sports stars, musicians and artists innately do.

Exciting, right? Well, click here to watch the trailer, and be prepared to ride the waves toward your best music ever in 2021...

To your increasing Creative Flow,

Paul <3



Too many talented DJs & Producers can't get signed to the record labels they need to be to break through.

MYT uses in-depth Track Feedback, Live Masterclasses, Personal Coaching and Courses, to support our Community to become full time Electronic Music Artists


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