What comes first, the beats or the music?

🐓 What came first? 🤷🏼‍♂️ The beats, or the music? 🍳

ableton live logic pro music production Feb 11, 2020

This is one of the most asked questions I get, especially from new producers

"Where do I start? With the drums, or the music?"

It's a bit like asking if the chicken, or the egg came first!

My answer is always the same...

'It depends!'

This sounds like a complete cop out, I know, but it's see, the real question is 'what music are you trying to make?'

If you're trying to make melodic, progressive genres of dance music, you're far better off starting off by writing your riffs, pads, leads, and arpeggios before you produce drums to go with them


Because you have more freedom to write what's in your head, without the drums getting in the way, and potentially restricting what musicality you're trying to bring to your music.

You'll also find you'll naturally create drum sequences, and select samples that fit better with the music, as you'll match the tuning and characteristics between the drums and the music far easier.

If, on the other hand, you're intending to make music that's more techno, or rhythmically dominated music, then, by all means, let rip with the beats right from the start of the composition and production stages, as that is what is going to drive the track forward.

So to sum up, always begin writing your tracks with the elements that will be the lead or dominant instruments - this is a key skill to master if you're going to make the music you truly want to make this year.

If you're struggling to learn how to do this, then 'Getting Started In Ableton Live' is for you!

Our 8-week online course takes form in a series of live webinars, where you can ask questions and get all the help you need, to achieve mastery of Ableton Live and exponentially accelerate your journey in Music Production

Time is running out, and we've only got a few places left, so sign up today and don't miss out on your chance to take your skills to the next level

Click here for more information and to sign up - we get going week commencing 17th Feb, so get a wiggle on and get involved!


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